22nd Shaheedi Tournament Recognition Event
Yenda Producers were invited to receive acknowledgement and recognition for supporting the 22nd Shaheedi Tournament (Sikh Games) in Griffith, along with a number of other local businesses. The event was held at the Sikh Temple (Cnr Kidman Way and Rae Road) on Sunday 22nd July 2018. Peter and Roxanne attended on behalf of Yenda Producers.
The day was very informative and the Sikh community made Peter and Roxanne most welcome. Both were privileged to be given an in-depth tour and commentary on the temple, the local Sikh community and the Sikh’s values and way of life. In addition to the tour and the acknowledgement of sponsors, the pair were also treated to a traditional meal in the communal kitchen at the temple.
The Sikh games, held over the June long weekend, reportedly injected $3.9 million into the local economy (Area News 18/6/2018) and from the games, the Sikh community was able to donate money to the Griffith Base Hospital. The Sikh community is very much a part of our local community and represents the second largest migrant population in our local area after the Italians.
The day was a great event and the Yenda Producers team look forward to the 23rd Shaheedi Games in 2019.