Community & Sponsorship
Yenda Producers Co-operative Society has been proudly associated with the Riverina community since the 1920s. We have a long history of support for local charities, schools, sporting groups and educational foundations. We see this as a way of contributing and giving back to the community where most of our customers and staff live and work. As an extension of this philosophy we encourage our staff to become involved in local causes, community and sporting events. In addition to ongoing sponsorship, we provide support to groups and projects every quarter.
Applying for Sponsorship
If you belong to a Riverina community organisation that would like to apply for sponsorship, donation of product or hands on help from Yenda Producers, please complete the Request Community Support form.
Community News
Get all the buzz on BEEkeeping – World Bee Day 2023
The Yenda Group proudly supports World Bee Day on 20 May, a day to celebrate our small but crucial pollinators. This day also acknowledges the critical role that bees play in ensuring food security, promoting biodiversity, and maintaining the health of our ecosystems....
BEEing a BEEkeeper – World Bee Day 2022
The Yenda Group is a proud supporter of World Bee Day. This day celebrates and recognises the important role these little pollinators play in our ecosystem. Recently, the Yenda Group interviewed local Apiarist Matthew Skinner from Skinners Apiarist Services (Big...
Special General Meeting – 27th May 2022
Notice is hereby given that the Special General Meeting of the Society will be held at the Yenda Diggers Club at 5.30pm on Friday the 27th May 2022. Zoom attendance is available for members who are unable to attend in person. Any member wishing to attend via Zoom...
Kay Pellizzer Included on Hidden Treasures Honour Roll
KAY PELLIZZER INCLUDED ON HIDDEN TREASURES HONOUR ROLL The Hidden Treasures Honour Roll celebrates rural women volunteers who give so much to their communities. Kay Pellizzer, who has been part of the Yenda Prods team for close to 60 years, was included in the 2020...
Christmas Donations
Christmas Donations This year, due to COVID-19 and the restrictions that come with it, our Board of Directors decided to make donations to a range of organisations doing amazing work in the communities we work and live in. All were very gratefully received. Combined...