Partners in Farming

Meet our Senior Team

The Yenda Group’s mission is to provide its customers with professional specialist advice and services for farming enterprises. Meet the members of our Senior Management Team who oversee daily operations for the Yenda Group’s more than 2,000 members and customers from near and far in the community. 


Yenda Fruit & Case Manager

Joined in: 1998

Laurence, better known as Lou and his family have a long connection to Yenda with his paternal grandfather moving to the town in the 1920s, and Lou being born in the town. He has led the growth of the organisation’s store from its original ‘two shelves’ to the large, thriving, and busy centre it is today. The growth was driven by Lou and his team listening closely to their loyal customers’ needs to provide a one-stop shop with a broad variety of products and services.

Fruit & Case primarily serves horticultural growers, offering general hardware, sprays, nozzles, equipment, general tools, garden tools, fuels, oils, lubricants, sprays, chemicals, fertilizers, pet food, and more. The company is also a bulk fuel distributor and provides on-farm fuel deliveries.

Lou lives in Griffith with his wife Paula and their four children. He is well known for his dedicated involvement in the local sports community, service on council-based committees, and currently a Griffith City Council Councillor.


General Manager Yenda Prods Grain

Joined in: 2014

Elissa grew up in Batemans Bay on the South Coast. She lived in Canberra and Sydney before moving to Coleambally in 2012 where she lives with her husband and three children.

Elissa started working at Akazien Hof Grain and Fertilizer in 2014 in logistics, then transitioned over to YPG in 2018 and continued to work in logistics and took on an administrative role.

She enjoys working in the grain and storage industry and has been able to work closely with clients and growers to build a strong working relationship with them all. Elissa is looking forward to the continual growth of Yenda Prods Grain in the years to come.

Aidan Lewis

Griffith Branch Manager


General Manager

Joined in: 2001

During his time at Yenda Prods, Anthony has been promoted to different key positions including his current role of Company Secretary and Financial Controller. Anthony serves not only Yenda Producers but also Yenda Group, overseeing administrative operations at all four branches. His key role is to ensure corporate compliance and manage the financial aspects of the businesses.

Anthony graduated from Charles Sturt University with a Bachelor of Business Degree in Accounting and achieved his Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) qualification in 2009. Anthony is also a long-time Yenda resident, living with his family on a prune farm on the outskirts of the town.


Baranduda Manager

Joined in: 2017

Greg Pronk joined the NorMac team in 2017. Having worked in the Dairy and Beef industry in the north east of Victoria for over 25 years, Greg brings a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to his role, providing customers with the support they need to succeed in business.

The Baranduda branch has a strong agronomy and livestock production team, and Greg enjoys working alongside his staff, managing customer service in rural sales – involving everything from a bag of chook feed to a set of cattle yards.

Greg is a keen leader, co-ordinating the growth of the Baranduda branch, while being involved in strategic direction and incorporating the key values of the Yenda Co-operative.

Edwina Blight

Company Secretary


Purchasing Manager

 Joined in: 1992

Adam Signor started working at Yenda Producers in a customer service officer and administrative role. During his time, Adam has progressed through different roles in the company before being promoted to Purchasing Manager.

Adam’s key role is to work closely with key corporate accounts, managing the ordering and pricing of Yenda Producers’ product inventory for its 1,500 members and customers and is involved with the strategic direction of the Co-op. Adam also oversees the on-farm services provided by Yenda Producers, which include tractor and truck contract spreading in a variety of crops, cartage of goods including grains, fertilisers, grapes, nuts, machinery and general freight. Adam has a degree in Business Management from Charles Sturt University.


General Manager RWE

Joined in: 2023

Laura is a solicitor admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW with a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) from Macquarie University. Born and raised on a third-generation family farm in Griffith, Laura has first-hand knowledge and understanding of the agricultural sector. During her time as a solicitor, Laura was heavily involved in commercial litigation, including agribusiness and irrigation related matters.

Laura is passionate about her hometown, most recently working as the Centre Manager of Headspace Griffith honing her skills as a leader in the community. Laura joined RWE in 2023. With her impressive background, accomplishments and leadership qualities, Laura is committed to building strong, empathetic business relationships and driving success and growth throughout the business.

Graham Martin

Corryong Branch Manager


Southern Area Manager

 Joined in: 1988

Chris Butler graduated from Leeton High School and spent two years at the Murrumbidgee Irrigation District (MID) Farmer’s Co-Op before he joined the team at the Yenda Producers Leeton Branch when it opened in 1988.

Chris has thoroughly enjoyed his tenure with Yenda Producers, especially being part of the growth of the organisation and a member of the team that is involved in all aspects of daily business.

Chris thrives on providing products and services that benefit Yenda Producers’ clients and help them succeed. Chris is looking forward to continuing the growth of the business and partnering with the clients, many who are now also firm friends.


Spencer & Bennett Managing Director

Joined in: 1998

Wayne is the Licensee in Charge and Managing Director of S&B, which operates as a wholly owned subsidiary of Yenda Producers, based in the Yenda Producers’ Griffith branch.

Wayne is an accredited livestock and real estate agent. Focussing on the purchasing and selling of livestock and real estate sales, namely rural properties as well as clearing sales.

Wayne is the main auctioneer at S&B and also manages a team of licensed Real estate agents, Insurance brokers, Water brokers, Residential Real estate and Property management.

Stewart Kerr

Wangaratta Branch Manager


RWE Design & Automation Manager

Joined in: 2006

Jak is a Certified Irrigation Designer and oversees RWE staff, the extensive range of irrigation products, as well as offers design, installation and maintenance of high-quality irrigation systems and consultative services for rural, domestic, corporate and government clientele.

Operating out of the Griffith branch, Jak and his team regularly consult with the agronomy and horticulture teams at Yenda Producers, sharing knowledge and expertise for all to remain up-to-date on farming requirements.

RWE also has an extensive retail section, offering a vast range of irrigation products, readily available to service an emergency breakdown for the corporate irrigation market.

Michelle Litchfield

Chief Financial Officer

Nicole Jackson

Leeton Branch Manager