Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Yenda Producers Co-operative Society Ltd will be held at the Yenda Diggers Club (Cnr of Mirrool Avenue and East Street – Yenda) on Friday 10th September, 2021, commencing at 5.30pm.
Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, attendee numbers at this years AGM will be limited to 40 people. With numbers limited, it is requested that any shareholder wanting to attend the AGM register their intention to attend by email to by Friday the 3rd September 2021.
Any Shareholder who wishes to attend, but are not able to due to COVID-19 number restrictions, or who wishes to join the meeting remotely, will be provided with a link to view and participate in the AGM. To be eligible for this, shareholders will need to RSVP by the due date.
Yenda Producers Co – operative Society Ltd requests that all attendees ensure that they adhere to any COVID-19 requirements put in place by the the Yenda Diggers Club.
Yenda Producers Co – operative Society Ltd also understands that the Covid-19 situation is consistently changing and will communicate any changes to its shareholders as soon as any changes arise.
Anthony Nehme
Company Secretary