Keeping you informed
COVID-19 (coronavirus)
As a valued customer of Yenda Producers, we wanted to share with you some important information about the steps we are taking to minimise impacts and disruption caused by the COVID-19 virus.
We will continue to provide regular updates through this website and our Facebook page, so please check back regularly to stay up to date on the latest developments.
Our greatest priority at this time is the health of all our staff, our customers and the wider community, and this guides our decisions and actions.
Friday, 17 December 2021
To all our customers, shareholders, contractors, and staff,
COVID Update for Yenda Group Branches
We all need to remember that any Government Directive is only a MINIMUM standard and if these standards won’t protect ‘you’ and your fellow staff, then we need to maintain better safety practices.
As a result of Government directives, the Yenda Group of businesses will be continuing to follow the guidelines set out below:
Under WHS laws we have an Obligation and a Duty of Care to provide and maintain a SAFE workplace for All Employees. (This is to keep you and your family safe).
NSW Branches and Businesses
- Everyone (staff, customers and contractors) continue to QR code in and out of premises.
- If we (staff) can’t keep 1.5M (2 arm’s length) apart then Masks will still be required to be worn (both indoors and outdoors).
- If customers cannot keep 1.5M apart from other customers and staff, then Masks will be required.
- We will have masks available, so as soon as staff or customers are within 1.5M, then staff are to Mask-up, and we will request the customer to do the same.
- Once more than one person is in an office (regular size), then all people in that office must wear a Mask until they leave the office.
- Indoor areas will be restricted to the number limits currently in place (eg: Boardrooms/meeting rooms).
- If travelling in vehicles with multiple staff, then Masks must be worn.
- Regular cleaning of common surfaces is to be maintained and recorded.
- COVID Safety Plan will still be in place.
Victorian Branches
- Ensure everyone in attendance sign in (QR code).
- Keep 1.5m apart, follow socially distancing requirements and follow Covid19 requirements.
- Carpooling is allowed as long as ALL occupants are Masked-up.
- Customers’ vaccination status must be checked upon entry.
- All staff and customers must be Double Vaccinated to enter the premises.
- Masks still required indoors.
- Regular cleaning of common surfaces is to be maintained and recorded.
- COVID Safety Plan will still be in place.
Reminder that these rules apply to ALL our Yenda Group Staff and Businesses – No Exceptions.
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
- Strictly no entry into any of the stores.
- If orders cannot be made in advance, customers needs to remain outside and a customer service officer will come to the door.
- All branches remain open for usual trading hours.
Dear Valued Customers,
The Yenda Group is ensuring that the health and safety of all staff and customers are at the forefront of our decision making during the COVID-19 situation.
Please note that entrance into our branches is not allowed. All customers are urged to ring/email their orders ahead of time. If orders can’t be placed in advance, please ensure that you remain outside of the building and a customer service officer will meet you at the front door.
Social distancing must be adhered to and please ensure that you follow any direction received from the customer service officer.
The COVID-19 situation is constantly changing and we will continuously update our valued customers of our changing practices.
We appreciate all of the efforts of our customers in working within the current situation.
Monday 5th July, 2021
Dear Valued Customers,
Please download the below resources for more information on our updated branch COVID-19 safety plans.
Yenda Producers
RWE - Yenda Producers
Spencer & Bennett | Breed & Hutchinson
Friday 17 July, 2020
Dear Valued Customers,
We have a COVID-19 safety plan and are committed to keeping you safe, please download the below resources for more information.
Thursday 7 May, 2020
- Yenda Producers branches will be open for trading on Saturday 9 May.
- Customers are not to enter the store, and social distancing must be adhered to on premises.
- Pre-order if possible.
- If orders cannot be made in advance, customers needs to remain outside and a customer service officer will come to the door.
Dear Valued Customers,
The Yenda Group is ensuring that the health and safety of all staff and customers are at the forefront of our decision making during the COVID-19 situation.
All customers are urged to ring/email their orders ahead of time. If orders can’t be placed in advance, please ensure that you remain outside of the building and a customer service officer will meet you at the front door.
Social distancing must be adhered to and please ensure that you follow any direction received from the customer service officer.
As of Saturday 9 May, 2020, Yenda Producers will be trading again. Branches will now be open as per our standard Business hours Monday- Saturday.
The COVID-19 situation is constantly changing and we will continuously update our valued customers of our changing practices.
We appreciate all of the efforts of our customers in working within the current situation.
Monday, 30 March 2020
- Strictly no entry into any of the stores.
- If orders cannot be made in advance, customers needs to remain outside and a customer service officer will come to the door.
- Branches will be closed on Saturdays until further notice.
Dear Valued Customers,
The Yenda Group is ensuring that the health and safety of all staff and customers are at the forefront of our decision making during the COVID-19 situation.
Please note that entrance into our branches is not allowed. All customers are urged to ring/email their orders ahead of time. If orders can’t be placed in advance, please ensure that you remain outside of the building and a customer service officer will meet you at the front door.
Social distancing must be adhered to and please ensure that you follow any direction received from the customer service officer.
In addition, Saturday morning trading will cease for the foreseeable future. All branches remain open for standard trading hours, Monday – Friday.
The COVID-19 situation is constantly changing and we will continuously update our valued customers of our changing practices.
We appreciate all of the efforts of our customers in working within the current situation.
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
Media Release from The Hon. David Littleproud MP
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
Attention Customers and Delivery Drivers
As we work to keep you and our staff safe during this time, we are asking customers to pre-order items (where possible).
We appreciate your understanding and co-operation at this difficult time.
Placing an order with Yenda Prods
- Orders are to be sent to asignor@yendaprods.com.au
- For enquiries or issues with emailing your order, please call 02 6961 3300.
- Orders are to be sent to ltestoni@yendaprods.com.au
- For enquiries or issues with emailing your order, please call 02 6968 1268.
- Orders are to be sent to cbutler@yendaprods.com.au
- For enquiries or issues with emailing your order, please call 02 6953 9000.
- Orders are to be sent to ptaprell@yendaprods.com.au
- For enquiries or issues with emailing your order, please call 02 6966 8900
or 0427 566 679.
Yenda Prods collection instructions
- On arrival, please remain in your vehicle and contact the front desk – we will load your items.
- Please open your tail gates, gates, tarps etc. and return to your vehicle.
- Once your order is loaded, please tie down pallets, IBCs and appropriately close tail gates and tarps.
Placing an order with RWE
- Email orders are to be sent to rwe@rwe.net.au
- Place a phone order by calling 02 6966 8950.
RWE collection instructions
- On arrival, please proceed to the designated area and collect your order.
- If staff are loading items for you, please open your tail gates, gates, tarps etc. and return to your vehicle.
- Once your order is loaded, please tie down pallets, IBCs and appropriately close tail gates and tarps.
ATTENTION all Delivery Drivers
- Please stay in your vehicle or the vicinity of your vehicle and contact the front counter for unloading.
- Please do not enter the building.
- Branch numbers to call for unloading or enquiries:
YENDA 02 6961 3300
FRUIT AND CASE 02 6968 1268
LEETON 02 6953 9000
GRIFFITH 02 6966 8900
RWE 02 6966 8950
Thursday, 19 March 2020
Implemented COVID-19 Action Plan
The Yenda Group has developed and implemented an action plan to guide our response to the COVID-19 virus.
The aim of this plan is to help manage the health of our staff, our customers and the wider community during this period, as well as to protect our customers’ businesses and businesses within the Yenda Group.
Our action plan, which we continue to monitor and update, includes:
- Ensuring our staff follow all recommended health protocols, including regular handwashing, use of hand sanitiser, social distancing, quarantining when relevant, as well as cancelling all non-essential travel and attendance at large events.
- Asking customers who visit our branches to also practice good hygiene and social distancing.
- Working with our suppliers to maintain regular and reliable stock availability.
We plan to keep all branches open during this period, and this can be achieved if each person plays their part in the action plan.