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Yenda Producers staff in front of Yenda branded banners handing over cheque to Leeton Community Care Van members


We have been a part of the Riverina community since the 1920’s and have a long history of support for local charities, schools, sporting groups, educational foundations and community events. We see this as a way of contributing to the community where our members, staff and customers live and work.

Future of Farming

At Yenda Prods, we pride ourselves on keeping up-to-date with the latest research and industry news. Our team are always looking at ways to grow and innovate, through trials, training, professional development and more. Check out the latest in research, trials and staff achievements.


Check out what’s been happening across the Yenda Group from recent competitions and events to product and local farming news and information. Catch up on the latest news from Yenda Prods co-operative, Spencer & Bennett, RWE, Yenda Prods Grain, Fruit & Case, Akazien Hof and Breed & Hutchinson.

All Articles


Want to know more about creating an effective succession planning for the future of your Agri-business and family members? Cater & Blumer Solicitors partner with a number of agribusiness and finance experts to assist family farming estates to create the right...

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Changes to the Board of Directors

Retirement of Nayce Dalton from the Board of Directors Nayce Dalton has stepped down from the Board of Directors of the Co-op after serving 16 years as a Director. During this time Nayce also held the position of Chair for a number of years. During his time on the...

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Yenda Producers Leeton Trade Day 2023

Join us for our Leeton Trade Day on Thursday, 26 October between 11am and 6pm as we celebrate 35 years of service in Leeton. Take advantage of one day only specials and connect with over 40 different company representatives who will showcase a range of their products.

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Election of Directors

Nominations are hereby called for Directors of this Co-operative. Nomination forms being available from the Secretary’s Office. Messrs Cremasco, Quarisa and Kefford retire from the Board in accordance with the rules and being eligible offer themselves for...

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Get all the buzz on BEEkeeping – World Bee Day 2023

The Yenda Group proudly supports World Bee Day on 20 May, a day to celebrate our small but crucial pollinators. This day also acknowledges the critical role that bees play in ensuring food security, promoting biodiversity, and maintaining the health of our ecosystems....

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Almond Flowering and Bees – 2022

The 2022 almond flowering season is coming to an end after a great deal of stress for all the growers and beekeepers. Firstly, the outbreak of Varroa Mite in the north coast area of NSW resulted in a total lockdown of all bees in NSW. Thanks to the work of the Almond...

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BEEing a BEEkeeper – World Bee Day 2022

The Yenda Group is a proud supporter of World Bee Day. This day celebrates and recognises the important role these little pollinators play in our ecosystem. Recently, the Yenda Group interviewed local Apiarist Matthew Skinner from Skinners Apiarist Services (Big...

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Special General Meeting – 27th May 2022

Notice is hereby given that the Special General Meeting of the Society will be held at the Yenda Diggers Club at 5.30pm on Friday the 27th May 2022. Zoom attendance is available for members who are unable to attend in person. Any member wishing to attend via Zoom...

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