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Yenda Producers staff in front of Yenda branded banners handing over cheque to Leeton Community Care Van members


We have been a part of the Riverina community since the 1920’s and have a long history of support for local charities, schools, sporting groups, educational foundations and community events. We see this as a way of contributing to the community where our members, staff and customers live and work.

Future of Farming

At Yenda Prods, we pride ourselves on keeping up-to-date with the latest research and industry news. Our team are always looking at ways to grow and innovate, through trials, training, professional development and more. Check out the latest in research, trials and staff achievements.


Check out what’s been happening across the Yenda Group from recent competitions and events to product and local farming news and information. Catch up on the latest news from Yenda Prods co-operative, Spencer & Bennett, RWE, Yenda Prods Grain, Fruit & Case, Akazien Hof and Breed & Hutchinson.

All Articles

Annual general meeting 2021

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Yenda Producers Co-operative Society Ltd will be held at the Yenda Diggers Club (Cnr of Mirrool Avenue and East Street – Yenda) on Friday 10th September, 2021, commencing at 5.30pm. Due to current COVID-19...

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Photography competition

To celebrate and raise awareness about World Bee Day 2021, we are hosting a photography competition for high school students. Your photo should represent the theme of “A Bee’s World”, so use your imagination and get snapping! To enter upload your photo and fill in the…

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Colouring competition

To celebrate World Bee Day 2021 and raise awareness about the importance of bees, we’re inviting all kids under 12 years to enter our colouring-in competition. Colour the bee-autiful picture below and drop it in to a Yenda Prods store by Wednesday 19 May. Our favourite pictures will win…

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Lambing Season 2021

As we are coming into lambing season, it’s important to keep a close eye and hand on your ewes. There are also a few important questions you should ask yourself.  Be aware of and plan your feed base. Is there enough dry matter for the stock class? Do you...

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Kay Pellizzer Included on Hidden Treasures Honour Roll

KAY PELLIZZER INCLUDED ON HIDDEN TREASURES HONOUR ROLL The Hidden Treasures Honour Roll celebrates rural women volunteers who give so much to their communities. Kay Pellizzer, who has been part of the Yenda Prods team for close to 60 years, was included in the 2020...

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Christmas Donations

Christmas Donations This year, due to COVID-19 and the restrictions that come with it, our Board of Directors decided to make donations to a range of organisations doing amazing work in the communities we work and live in. All were very gratefully received. Combined...

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World Food Day 2020

World Food Day 2020 For World Food Day, Yenda Prods is celebrating our #LocalFoodHeroes - those who have made sure that food makes it from the farm to the table. The #WorldFoodDay theme is ‘Grow, Nourish, Sustain, Together. Our actions are our future.’, which is at...

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Anthony Nehme on Co-operative Conversations

Tune in to Co-operative Farming's Co-operative Conversations series at 7:45pm tonight (Wednesday 14th October) to see Yenda Prod’s very own Anthony Nehme discussing the benefits of uniting community, business, and agriculture.This roundtable examines group buying and...

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