Yenda Producers is proud to sponsor two teams in the 2019 Hay Rust n Dust Outback Rally. This years’ Rally will cover approximately 2,000kms of Outback NSW with over 40 starters riding to raise money for local charities. The cars will leave Hay, NSW bright and early on Friday 29 November, returning in the evening on Monday 2 December.

Car 22

Team members: Ben Crump, Bill Furner and Craig Rawle

“As a team we know how difficult it is for those with cancer and their loved ones. Not only is it an extremely emotional time but is hard on the back pocket for all involved. This dry period has given us a good excuse to get off the farm and support a good cause.” Bill Furner

To support Bill and the other members of Car 22 please send your sponsorship to:
Bendigo Bank – Hay
Hay Rust n Dust Outback Rally
BSB: 633 000
Account No: 163349616
Please use Car22 and your name as a reference, so your sponsorship can be applied to their car tally and your name will let them know who is supporting them.

Company Secretary, Anthony Nehme said “We were approached by two teams who were entering the event. From our point, it is the type of event that we fully support. It raises funds for a great cause, namely local charities and it brings people together to have a good time.

Car 13/14/16

The Star family is running three cars this year, Car 13, 14 with David, Anthony and Bernard as car captains. The combined fundraising of the team is close to currently exceeding $12,000 with donations still coming in.

The team are hoping to assist in regional area medical services, especially for cancer patients.

Bernard star said, “This is my first year, my uncle David entered last year after the death of his son and my cousin Kieran Star. After surviving a diagnosis of stage 3 brain cancer two years ago, and being well supported by Can Assist, my local community, and Yenda Prods, I felt it was my duty to support this wonderful charity.”

“I started my successful agronomic career with YPC and have many long term friends as a result. I hope to share the experience with all these friends along the way.”

To support Bernard and the other members of Car 13/14/16 please send your sponsorship to:
Bendigo Bank – Hay
Hay Rust n Dust Outback Rally
BSB: 633 000
Account No: 163349616
Please use Car# and your name as a reference, so your sponsorship can be applied to their car tally and your name will let them know who is supporting them.

More information about the Hay Rust n Dust Outback Rally can be found on their website –