On Wednesday 18 of September 2019, prune growers were invited to attend a herbicide workshop at the Yenda Diggers Club. Presenters included Syngenta and MSA who specialise in PPE protection.
Syngenta’s presentation featured how to appropriately use Sprayseed and Gramoxone in orchards, whilst MSA demonstrated how to recognise and correctly wear appropriate PPE. Both presentations were well received by all those who attended.
For growers that have any questions in relation to Sprayseed or Gramoxone contact your YPC horticulturalist, or for information in regards to PPE protection contact your YPC branch.
Email the Yenda branch or call (02) 6961 3300
Email the Griffith branch or call (02) 6966 8900
Email the Leeton branch or call (02) 6953 9000