Pre-emergent herbicides can be used prior to the commencement of the new horticultural growing season, to reduce summer weed pressure.

With summer weeds such as Fleabane becoming more difficult to control, applying a pre-emergent herbicide can reduce the amount of knockdown sprays required during the season. All pre-emergents need to be washed in by rainfall or by overhead or flood irrigation. Chateau® is registered in vines, citrus, nuts, olives and stonefruit (including prunes). Simazine is an economic option to control Glyphosate resistant ryegrass, and is registered in citrus, vines and has Permit 13778 in carrot, onion and brassica seed crops. Other pre-emergents that can be used in certain horticulture include Rifle® (Stomp), Striker® (Goal), Treflan™ and Zoliar® (Solicam). Uragan® (Hyvar) can also be used on mature citrus trees. New plantings can only use Surflan or Gallery.


Winegrape growers wishing to assess the current industry situation are advised to look at the 5 yearly surveys by the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI).

The article includes graphed results by region, variety, and size, looking at vineyard layout, pruning, pest and diseases, canopy management, irrigation, nutrition, vineyard floor, precision agriculture, organic, biodynamic and harvesting practices. There is also equal space given to winery practices. The AWRI are aiming to survey each 5 years to observe industry trends.


Prune growers are encouraged to spray Winter Oil during the dormancy period for scale and mite eggs. Copper may be sprayed around the budswell period to reduce shothole.