With prolonged heatwave conditions experienced last summer, providing adequate water supply prior to expected hot weather is vital to reduce crop stress. In addition to having enough crop water availability, various crop protection products and techniques can be utilised on farm.

Citrus Gall Wasp (CGW) is becoming more widespread in this area. To effectively manage CGW, an integrated approach is required and should include monitoring, cultural control, biological control, and chemical control. Timing of these control techniques is critical for gall wasp suppression. Current registered chemical options can only be used post flowering and after the previous crop has been harvested.

At the time of writing, large numbers of Light-Brown Apple Moth (cf. Tortrix) have been observed during late August. Grape and Citrus growers are advised to remain vigilant from the start of flowering onwards, for larvae of this destructive grub.

Throughout the MIA, herbicide resistance continues to spread across the region. Some notable weeds include Glyphosate resistant ryegrass and Paraquat resistant Fleabane. With weed control becoming increasingly difficult, various control options need to be considered prior to seed set. Avoiding seed set can minimise the potential future spread of herbicide-resistant weed species.

Feel free to contact your YPC horticulturist for any agronomic advice on your farm.