The Irrigation Research & Extension Committee (IREC), has announced their involvement in an exciting new project: Area-wide Management of Weeds.
The project, led by the Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC), is a cross-industry collaboration of 10 partners including: Cotton Research and Development Corporation, AgriFutures Australia, CSIRO, University of Queensland, University of Adelaide, Millmerran Landcare Group, Mallee Sustainable Farming, Toowoomba Regional Council, and IREC. As one of only three focus areas, the project will investigate weed management and the economic and social benefits of tackling weeds on a wide scale.
For those interested in finding out more, there are various events coming up in and around the region.

Crop Protection Forum
Tuesday 3 December, Rich River Golf Club, Moama
cesar is partnering with the Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (AHRI) and the Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM) to deliver the 2019 Crop Protection Forum.
Learn about the latest research in insecticide, herbicide and fungicide resistance affecting the grains industry.

Technology & Dealing with the Dry
Thursday 12 December, Coleambally Community Club
Head over to the community club to learn about new farming technology like drones, canopy sensors, automation of pumps and more. Financial professionals and the Rural Financial Counsellor will also be available on the day.
Speakers and topics will be announced closer to the event.
Follow IREC on Facebook for updates.

Mungbean Roadshow
Friday 13 December, Whitton Bowling Club
Topics for the day include Mungbean agronomy, marketing and variety update, plus Weedsmart Big 6. The Big 6 encompass strategies to control weeds in both summer and winter cropping systems. This plan is all about the farmer calling the shots, not the weeds.
Check out the flyer for more information.

Meeting: Area-wide Management of Weeds
Tuesday 17 December, Murrumbidgee Irrigation, Hanwood
There is an opportunity for those interested to meet with two of the researchers involved in the project; herbicide resistance guru, Chris Preston, and Rick Llewellyn from CSIRO. At this meeting we will identify which weed species to target in this region, as well as discuss other issues impacting the spread of weeds in our region.
Go to the GRDC website for more information about the project.