Yenda Producers has been featured in the 2019 report from The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals. This is the sixth annual report on the scale and performance of the Australian co-operative and mutual sector. The case study looks at our history, governance and management, member engagement and development, and our plans for the future. Looking back at the formation of Yenda Producers, Chair of the Board Nayce Dalton said –

“Probably the two drivers were the community’s desire for a better deal, so the community got together to form the co-ops to self-service and on the other side of the coin, many of the existing suppliers and buyers were probably ratbags who were ripping them off. So, the co-operatives were a way of protecting themselves, with one on the supply side and the other on their product sales side.”

For over 90 years Yenda Producers has been supporting local farmers; originally this was focused to the town of Yenda, but we now service an area of over 100km. Historically, we have maintained a good level of communication with our members and the communities. We want to build on this and ensure our staff are equipped with a thorough understanding of our value proposition and are able to communicate this effectively to our members and the community. 

“As a co-op, we do support a lot of community events and organisations. We do try to be out in the community. Although we could probably do this better, by which I mean that when we are doing this, we let everyone know, without beating our chests, that we are doing it, and that will help to strengthen the overall sense of belonging from our members.” Peter Calabria, Managing Director

Looking to the future, Yenda Producers wants to get in front of the major things that are shaping agriculture, particularly in the light of water scarcity and climate change.

Read the full case study in the National Mutual Economy Report from The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals. (Page 33)

The case study forms part of the Centre for Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation discussion paper series, which you can read in full on their website. (Page 29)