Pruning can be daunting – start by removing any diseased or spindly growth. New flushes require healthy branches to flourish come Spring. Plan out the main plant framework before you begin to heavily prune, identifying strong canes or branches to support the Summer growth. Keep the newer, thicker branches showing vigorous growth, and remove older branches. Cut back laterals on the remaining branches to 2-5 buds, leaving 2cm above the buds.

Messy ornamentals can obscure beautiful garden landscapes. Clean up trees by removing suckers from the tree base and small, lower branches on the trunk to create a clean, bare trunk. Begin to trim into the desired shape, pruning out first the diseased or damaged wood, and then removing branches growing out of shape. Trim hedges using shears and avoid over-trimming.

Pruning fruit trees really depends on the tree. Ask an agronomist at your local Yenda Producers on how to get the best out of your tree come harvest.