Bushfire Recovery & Support

The past few months have seen a large part of Australia devastated by bush fires. The local area of the MIA has been very lucky to not have been affected by the bushfires.   People and businesses from the Leeton Community have shown their support to the bush fire...

Upcoming events and research from IREC

The Irrigation Research & Extension Committee (IREC), has announced their involvement in an exciting new project: Area-wide Management of Weeds. The project, led by the Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC), is a cross-industry collaboration of 10...
Herbicide Workshop Report

Herbicide Workshop Report

Aussie prune growers’ ability to control weeds was boosted last week with an in-depth herbicide workshop on the application of Group L herbicides – Gramoxone and Sprayseed – in orchards. Download the report from the AusPrunes newsletter or continue reading...