Bushfire Recovery & Support

The past few months have seen a large part of Australia devastated by bush fires. The local area of the MIA has been very lucky to not have been affected by the bushfires.   People and businesses from the Leeton Community have shown their support to the bush fire...

Supporting Learning for Griffith University of Third Age

Yenda Producers were pleased to attend a Griffith University of the Third Age presentation evening, where they unveiled a new sound system. Griffith U3A offers a range of classes for those in the ‘age of active retirement’. The brand new sound system will...
Digitising agronomy practices with AgWorld

Digitising agronomy practices with AgWorld

“The way I see it, Agworld has allowed us to digitise a lot of our agronomy practices, which makes us quicker and better at what we do; in the end, this helps us service our clients more efficiently and improves both their and our own business results.”...