Partners in Farming

Real-time Weather Monitor

Accurate weather information helps farmers make informed decisions. With the right information, you can minimise costs and optimise yields.

To support our members, Yenda Prods has installed five locally-positioned weather stations, giving you access to real-time information. The information includes:

  • Current, minimum and maximum temperatures
  • Soil temperature
  • Wind direction and wind speed
  • Rainfall data
  • Delta T

This information helps guide farmers when making significant decisions, such as timing of sowing, spraying, fertiliser delivery and irrigation.

Yenda Prods is pleased to provide a complementary subscription to this new weather service for all YPC shareholders for 2021. This is jointly funded by the Co-op and our business partner, BASF. Post 2021 subscription fees may apply.

To obtain User Login details, please contact Julie Kruger via email

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