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About Us

It began in 1925, when a group of 10 like-minded farmers living in the small town of Yenda, NSW, more than 500km west of Sydney, found they had a common vision of sharing resources to meet their farming needs. The Yenda Producers Co-operative Society is an agricultural retailer and a part of the Yenda Group whose businesses share a common goal to provide quality goods and services to the rural sector in and around the Riverina and North-East Victoria. These businesses include Spencer & Bennett, RWE, Yenda Prods Grain, and Breed and Hutchinson.


Our Vision

Celebrating its 90th birthday in 2015, Yenda Producers has gone from strength to strength over the years thanks to the support of its members, farmers, local businesses, suppliers, and employees.

Boasting more than 2,000 members across a vast farming region, Yenda Producers has branches in Leeton, Griffith, Baranduda and Wangaratta in addition to the main office and Fruit & Case in Yenda.

The philosophy and vision of Yenda Producers remains strong and steadfast: to assist our members to continue the development of sustainable rural businesses within our communities.

Our Vision

Celebrating its 90th birthday in 2015, Yenda Producers has gone from strength to strength over the years thanks to the support of its members, farmers, local businesses, suppliers, and employees.

Boasting more than 1,700 members across a vast farming region, Yenda Producers has branches in Leeton, Griffith, Baranduda and Wangaratta in addition to the main office and Fruit & Case in Yenda.

vision of Yenda Producers remains strong and steadfast: to assist our members to continue the development of sustainable rural businesses within our communities.


Our purpose is to encourage the building of wealth and sustainability for our members and their communities, by working in partnership with all our stakeholders.



Our mission is to promote a co-operative approach by providing specialised services and advice to our members and to deliver them in a safe and sustainable manner.



Our values are loyalty, integrity, respect, co-operation, and community.


Other Businesses in the Yenda Group

The local business of Spencer & Bennett (S&B) started business in Griffith in 1980 when local residents Ron Spencer and Terry Bennett joined forces.

The company was acquired by Yenda Producers in 1998 and now operates as a wholly owned subsidiary, based in the Yenda Producers’ Griffith branch. S&B offers a wide range of livestock and rural services to clients across the region, including Griffith, Hillston, Goolgowi, Carrathool, Coleambally, Darlington Point, Leeton, Rankins Springs, Weethalle and Kikoira. 

The Spencer & Bennett team includes licensed real estate agents and insurance brokers who purchase and sell livestock on behalf of its clients through weekly auctions at the local sale yards, private sales on farms, and online. For its online sales, S&B’s accredited assessors bid on behalf of producers, or producers can visit the S&B office to view sales via computer monitors.

The S&B team also offers expertise in water trading, livestock production, property and clearing sales, and as authorised CGU Insurance agents, can provide farm, farm motor, motor vehicle, home/contents, business and crop insurance products.

S&B are members of the Australian Livestock & Property Agents (ALPA) and the Griffith Associated Agents.

In an effort to diversify its business and assist their members by offering access to high‐quality irrigation systems, Yenda Prods established a joint venture with Gerard (Jak) Ormesher, Riverina Water Engineering (RWE). 

Also operating out of the Griffith branch, RWE initially provided irrigation designs and consultative services to local farmers. Following a significant investment in plant and equipment, RWE expanded to design, installation and maintenance of irrigation systems for rural, domestic and government sectors. 

RWE also has an extensive retail section, offering a vast range of irrigation products, readily available to service an emergency breakdown for the corporate irrigation market. RWE staff regularly consult with the agronomy and horticulture teams at Yenda Producers, sharing knowledge and expertise to remain up‐to‐date on farming requirements. Through this partnership, RWE offers a holistic farming approach, keeping efficiency, sustainability and the future of farming at the forefront of its business practices.

Yenda Prods Grain Pty Ltd (YPG) is the latest business to join the Yenda Group. Established in August 2015, it is a joint venture between Yenda Prods as the majority shareholder, and Origin Grain.

The main function of YPG is to align grain producing shareholders with supply markets, with a focus on servicing niche grain markets.

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